Would you like to help us keep music education alive in the UK? You may wish to consider making a one-off or regular donation, recognising UMUKSF in your will, funding a student bursary or undertaking fund-raising activities. Any donation will be acknowledged and passed on in its entirety to our beneficiaries.


Send a cheque or postal order, payable to Universal Music UK Sound Foundation, to:

Janie Orr MBE
Chief Executive
Universal Music UK Sound Foundation
4 Pancras Square

Gift Aid

The Gift Aid scheme is for gifts of money by individuals who pay UK tax. Gift Aid increases the value of donations to charities by allowing them to reclaim basic rate tax on your gift.

In order to make a Gift Aid donation you’ll need to make a Gift Aid declaration.

The Foundation will claim Gift Aid, with your permission, on any donation made for whatever period you choose; this can cover gifts you have already made and/or gifts you may make in the future. – please contact us for a form.

Instrument Donation

We are able to re-home working instruments to schools and community centres in need. Please contact us should you have something to donate.